Client Testimonials







“I first decided to work with Seb after discovering his YouTube channel, where it immediately became apparent that he had had an incredibly advanced knowledge of his subject matter; far exceeding others I'd encountered. Not only that, but for me personally the most important aspect of his work was that he didn't lecture the audience with dogmatic black and white thinking, chastising them with labels like 'weak', discounting all of the subtleties of an individual personality. For me personally, I always struggled to find somebody that really 'got me' and didn't provide surface level responses, but Seb has become that person! 

He has an incredibly nuanced understanding of spiritual growth and what I loved most about our numerous sessions in working together, is that he meets you where you're at! In my experience too much of spirituality discounts the issues we're facing in our reality and bypasses them, which can cause further repression. But, I didn't feel like that at all during our time working together. Another massive thing for me is that I felt zero judgement at any time and I have shared some of the most personal things with Seb, that not even those closest to me know about.

I felt totally at ease to share whatever I was currently experiencing whether emotionally or in my day to day reality. This was despite feeling that I often contradicted myself on realisations I'd previously come to. Each time this happened Seb met me with grace and pure presence, providing timeless wisdom and insight into my experiences, helping me to understand how ultimately, this was all leading to my growth.

On reflection, I feel so blessed that I now have such an incredible connection with this special person that I am able to rely on in times of need or even just to shoot the breeze about mutual interests. If you're somebody that is looking to become your highest and most authentic self, and I mean REALLY that version, not just adopting self-development practices with no context... then I cannot recommend working with Seb enough!”


“Seb has a wonderful presence, grounded in compassion, and matched by a fun and even whimsical optimism. This made for an encouraging, safe space for me to re-imagine the best version of myself. I had several real and inspiring "aha!" moments of revelation throughout our coaching container. But Seb also offered a solid and consistent energy from one session to the next (including encouraging my accountability with stated goals, and weekly homework "in the field" -- a total game changer for me), which really helped stabilize my attitude and approach when the positive emotions weren't always in readily available.

This was an intelligent and heartfelt experience, one that expanded my own imaginings of what I'm capable of. It's very magical to shift from focusing on fears that had prevented me from taking action, and moving deeper into the excitement essential to embody my dreams. Excitement borne of getting tangible results! Would definitely work with Seb again!”


“Seb’s wisdom shared through his YouTube channel has been Godsend, but I craved to go to the next level, I knew I had to humble myself and invest in someone that has been to the other side beyond their egoic structure. Seb offered a free 1:1 consultation, I had nothing to lose. Simply from that conversation alone, I felt free, I felt heard, and I had a brother who had this light of guidance. For me, it is important to connect with someone that embodies what they teach, walk the talk. Unfortunately, there are many coaches that do it for their job or image, but Seb is truly on the divine path. He is honest, transparent, and keeps it 100% raw and real with the most loving and compassionate heart. Please, do not hesitate to reach out. This is an investment to yourself. If you tried everything, please reach out to our brother Seb for a discovery call. And most importantly, you can trust Seb with anything. For him to be 100%, you gotta show up 100% and be completely honest. This is where true growth comes from, and Seb holds space for you with zero judgement.”


“Seb is a highly competent, insightful and compassionate life coach who is guided by a deep spiritual understanding and foundation. I had a major issue which was ultimately spiritual in nature, but manifested in various forms throughout my life. Although I had tried traditional secular therapy, the lack of spiritual depth meant that only the symptoms of my issue were being treated, and not its root. In order to make real progress, Seb took me through a journey to understand myself - meditating to create awareness followed by deep guided introspection. He assisted me in tearing down the walls of my own ego, seeing a truer version of the self and gaining insight into why my issue caused deep pain and discomfort. Eventually, I understood that the source of my problem was my own attachment, created by ego. Having made this realisation, I am actively working on elevating my consciousness. I am deeply grateful to Seb for guiding and supporting me through this spiritual process and I highly recommend him as a coach and mentor.”


“For quite some time, I have been intrigued by the idea of channeling and redirecting my primitive sexual energy to elevate my masculinity and also to reach a higher state of consciousness. However, all my attempts to quit PMO and masturbation failed rather quickly and led to nothing but frustration. I finally had the courage to reach out to Seb, and I was rewarded! He has been the absolute game changer. Seb helped me to become aware of, and to visualise, my goals and to develop my own strategies to achieve my goals. He also encouraged me to allow myself exploring sexual abstention even more and maybe take it even further to celibacy. With his help I have been able to channel my sexual energy long-term. I feel so much more confident as a man and improved as a person. Seb helped me to find my path to enlightenment."


“My experience with Seb has been nothing short of exceptional. I came to him having never been coached before, hesitant about the entire process. I soon realized after just one conversation that this was someone I wanted the influence of on my journey of self-actualization. Seb is like water. He adapts himself to your reality and acts as a mirror of your highest self. Through him I have been uplifted to higher goals, comforted through inner darkness, and grown in my self-knowledge. He doesn’t teach you, he shows you how to learn from yourself. I cannot recommend him enough.”


“I highly recommend working with Seb for those who are on the spiritual path. Seb and I have cultivated an environment that is grounded in maturity and open-mindedness. I am able to come to Seb with new shifts in consciousness and draw on his experience. Seb provides clarity and insight on my new perspectives while maintaining a space that is conducive to questioning -- I leave every session with new questions I am excited to explore. Seb often points me in the right direction while allowing me to come to my own understanding, and this has been a catalyst for my spiritual growth.”


“Seb provides a high level of insight and sharp intuition that was highly beneficial during our sessions. Seb was highly present, compassionate and provided effective redirection when I needed it. I could count on his encouragement and belief in me when I struggled with self doubts. I highly recommend hiring Seb on your path to higher consciousness.”


“Seb helped me understand the powerful force of sexual energy and burning through your sexual karma. He understands the difference between hedonism and suppression. There is a world of perception that is complete and it is embodied through meditation. Talking with somebody who is more than just a new identification with an idea but present in the here and now is an opportunity for deeper peace. Courage to you brother.”


“Being coached by Seb was extremely meaningful to me, he knows how to direct and give perspective in a way that still lets the client explore by themselves. Seb is highly sensitive and attentive and I recommend his services from the bottom of my heart.”


“I have found that Seb really cares and it shows up in how he works with you. His attention to detail and his ability to help me visualise what I want to achieve is fantastic. The progress I have made is worth its weight in gold. Can’t thank him enough for his help.”


“Seb is an amazing listener. The space he creates is very pure. He offers a judgement free attitude which really helped me to open up, and I was glad I did because his insights and thoughtful questions lead me to new realisations about what had been holding me back in my spiritual journey, and in my life in general. I'm really glad to have found him, and look forward to more in the future!”


“What I liked about working with Seb is his genuine humility and his ability to actively listen to any challenge I had by asking encouraging questions. It awakened something within me. His pragmatic approach and speaking from his own experiences make it very useful. I can really tell that I am on the right path nowadays with my consciousness, and I have learned how to reconnect with it. I can recommend it to everyone who is interested in tackling fundamental things within themselves.”